Ehqo’s Hideout
Hey there, you've found my hideout! I suppose I should've done a better job hiding it... While you're here, feel free to browse my scribbles, notes, and other thoughts. All posts here also end up in my digital garden.
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The Hobby Collector - Star Wars

[A scenic painting of a fly-fisherman with a Star Wars AT-AT painted into the background.]There is no more fitting a topic to cover today than Star Wars. Love it or hate it, Star Wars has had an incredible effect on storytelling, imagination, and the lives of millions. It has encouraged dreamers, young and old, to look to the stars and imagine vast, alien worlds filled with new ideas, as well as ways we can improve our own world now. I have been a fan as long as I can remember, and will continue to be until the day I die....

The Hobby Collector - Keyboards

Like many folks I’ve come across on the web, I like to tinker. I like to tweak, refine, and update til my brain and wallet hurt. I also like to go clicky-clacky. To that end, I recently discovered the joys of *customizing* keyboards. Now as you read on, know that I am very new to this space and I’m not coming for anyone's preferences lol. I’ve been on the mechanical keyboard game for, eh, 10-ish years? Like many elite gamers, I started out with a Razer of some sort. Perhaps the Black Widow? I dunno, I don’t recommend them. Anyway,...

The Hobby Collector - Stained Glass

Did you know that you, yes you, sitting wherever you’re sitting right now, can make your own stained glass art? You can even make it at home if we pick up a few tools. It’s really quite easy and rewarding, as I learned just a few years ago. Living by myself in a new city, I realized I needed to get out of the house - and learning something new seemed to be a good way to do that. It so happened that an art studio not far from my apartment was hosting a stained glass workshop. I had experience...